Internet Engineering Task Force - определение. Что такое Internet Engineering Task Force
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Что (кто) такое Internet Engineering Task Force - определение

Internet engineering task force; IESG; Internet Engineering Steering Group; IEFT; IETF working group; Birds of a feather (computing); BoF session;; GADS Task Force; Gateway Algorithms and Data Structures; IETF; IETF Working Group; Birds of a Feather (computing); Ietf; IETF Journal; Internet engineering; IETF BOF

Internet Engineering Task Force         
<networking, standard, body> (IETF) The IETF is a large, open international community of network designers, operators, vendors and researchers whose purpose is to coordinate the operation, management and evolution of the Internet and to resolve short- and mid-range protocol and architectural issues. It is a major source of proposals for protocol standards which are submitted to the {Internet Architecture Board} (IAB) for final approval. The IETF meets three times a year and extensive minutes are included in the IETF Proceedings. The IETF Secretariat, run by The {Corporation for National Research Initiatives} with funding from the US government, maintains an index of Internet-Drafts whereas RFCs are maintained by The Internet Architecture Board. (1999-01-27)
Internet Engineering Steering Group (Reference: IETF)
Internet Engineering Steering Group         
(IESG) A body composed of the {Internet Engineering Task Force} Area Directors and the IETF Chair. It provides the first technical review of Internet standards and is responsible for day-to-day "management" of the IETF. (1994-12-08)


Internet Engineering Task Force

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a standards organization for the Internet and is responsible for the technical standards that make up the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP). It has no formal membership roster or requirements and all its participants are volunteers. Their work is usually funded by employers or other sponsors.

The IETF was initially supported by the federal government of the United States but since 1993 has operated under the auspices of the Internet Society, a non-profit organization with local chapters around the world.

Примеры произношения для Internet Engineering Task Force
1. in the Internet Engineering Task Force--
How the Internet Became Commercial _ Shane Greenstein _ Talks at Google
2. that purpose that are being looked at in the Internet Engineering Task Force.
Reimagining the Internet _ Vint Cerf _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Internet Engineering Task Force
1. The group took its solution to the Internet Engineering Task Force, a standards group made up of volunteers from hundreds of companies, academic institutions and governments.
2. The group took their solution to the Internet Engineering Task Force, a powerful standards group made up of volunteers from hundreds of companies, academic institutions and governments.
3. Patrik Faltstrom, one of Sweden‘s foremost experts on IP technology and a liaison for both the Internet Engineering Task Force and Internet Architecture Board, said the US announcement was negative for a lot of countries.
4. A group of scientists from the Internet Engineering Task Force, perhaps the most important standards–making body for the network, are working on a way to better collect and share information on computer intrusions.
5. I don‘t see any technology in this" Patrik Faltstrom, Swedish liaison officer, The Internet Engineering Task Force and Internet Architecture BoardIn 1''8, the Commerce Department selected a private organisation with international board members, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, to decide what goes on those lists.